Pricing information

For illustrations

The price includes 1 round of feedback per drawing to make any adjustments.
Would you like a package price for a combination of the options below? Please contact me.
Spreaders or other coloring such as monochrome or duocolor are also possible on request.


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 85,00)
5 to 9 items Price/Piece (€ 75,00)
10 tot 14 items Price/Piece (€ 70,00)
15 tot 19 items Price/Piece (€ 65,00)
20 items ore more items Price/Piece (€ 60,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 25,00)


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 75,00)
5 to 9 items Price/Piece (€ 70,00)
10 tot 14 items Price/Piece (€ 65,00)
15 tot 19 items Price/Piece (€ 60,00)
20 items ore more items Price/Piece (€ 55,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 20,00)


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 65,00)
5 to 9 items Price/Piece (€ 60,00)
10 tot 14 items Price/Piece (€ 55,00)
15 tot 19 items Price/Piece (€ 50,00)
20 items ore more items Price/Piece (€ 45,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 15,00)


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 45,00)

5 to 19 items Price/Piece (€ 40,00)
20 items or more Price/Piece (€ 35,00)

Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 10,00)

The price includes 1 round of feedback per drawing to make any adjustments.

Would you like a package price for a combination of the options below? Please contact me.

Spreaders or other coloring such as monochrome or duocolor are also possible on request.


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 85,00)
5 to 9 items Price/Piece (€ 75,00)
10 tot 14 items Price/Piece (€ 70,00)
15 tot 19 items Price/Piece (€ 65,00)
20 items ore more items Price/Piece (€ 60,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 25,00)


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 75,00)
5 to 9 items Price/Piece (€ 70,00)
10 tot 14 items Price/Piece (€ 65,00)
15 tot 19 items Price/Piece (€ 60,00)
20 items ore more items Price/Piece (€ 55,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 20,00)


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 65,00)
5 to 9 items Price/Piece (€ 60,00)
10 tot 14 items Price/Piece (€ 55,00)
15 tot 19 items Price/Piece (€ 50,00)
20 items ore more items Price/Piece (€ 45,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 15,00)


Less than 5 items Price/Piece (€ 45,00)
5 to 19 items Price/Piece (€ 40,00)
20 items or more Price/Piece (€ 35,00)
Additional feedback round Price/Piece (€ 10,00)